June 2016

Big Island Ukulele Guild
Minutes of June meeting 6/04/2016

Aloha BIUG members. Our summer meeting was predictably smaller, but a determined group of ten members gathered at Woodley White’s Na’alehu home for another gathering near the southern-most point in the United States.

See photos in FULLSCREEN

President Tom Russell spoke about Crist Pung’s recent inlay workshop and is currently in talks with Crist to schedule a follow up workshop in July. Tom asked if other types of "embellishment workshops” would be of interest, such as woodburning (pyrography).  If so, he agreed to search out an artist in the field, like John Mydock: a member of the American Association of Woodturners and the Big Island Woodturners clubs, to see if they’d be open to a class. You can check out pyrography art, John's work can be viewed at http://www.mydockstudio.com/www.mydockstudio.com/Pyrography.html

The guild is in good shape financially so we are set for the upcoming shows; monetarily-speaking.  A limited discussion on the shows ensued but was tabled as both Gary and Bob were unable to attend today’s meeting.  Expect follow-up as we progress through the summer via the Google Group forum.  Stay tuned and keep working on those ukuleles! 

We are looking for Hilo-side meeting locations. Anyone have suggestions?

During show and tell, Rodney Crusat offered up a mystery wood ukulele. After attendees offered guesses, Rodney revealed that it was Ohia wood – kiln dried so it was safe to move around the island. Jane Klassen showed her second uke effort – a beautiful Macadamia Nut wood tenor with a Jacaranda fretboard. Marcus Castaing had a beautiful Koa ukulele with a Pheasant Wood headstock. And Woodley White, in an effort to muscle in on a chance to the win the show and tell raffle, quickly brought out another one of his Koa creations. 

Following lunch Tad Humble and Chris Stewart conducted a workshop on how to photograph ukulele with a minimum of fuss. Tad demonstrated both wood and PVC plastic frames to hang ukes for studio quality pictures and discussed inexpensive computer software programs to process the images.

We are hoping for a Hilo-side location for our next meeting. Again, stay tuned.

Chris Stewart – BIUG Secretary

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